At Drugs Bad, we have dedicated ourselves to creating an online community that promotes harm reduction and aids others in their journeys towards wellness. Today, we're thrilled to announce that we're expanding our team. We're in search of inspired, creative, and talented individuals who are as passionate as we are about making a real, lasting impact on the lives of individuals affected by drug misuse.

We believe that every person has unique talents and perspectives that can contribute to our mission. Currently, we're actively looking for skilled designers, writers, and programmers who can help us maintain and enhance our website, content, and overall user experience. But our search doesn't stop there - if you have a skillset you believe could contribute to our cause, we want to hear from you.

Beyond individual contributors, we also welcome collaboration with established organizations. If your organization aligns with our mission and is interested in joining forces to expand the reach of our message, we would love to discuss potential partnerships.

In the spirit of setting clear expectations, we want to emphasize that the roles we're offering are currently voluntary. As a budding initiative, our primary focus is on establishing and solidifying our brand's identity and message. Our search is for highly creative and motivated individuals who are driven more by purpose than by monetary reward. We firmly believe in the value of individuals who derive their motivation from a genuine desire to make a difference and are willing to contribute their time and talents to help our cause grow. As we evolve and expand, there may be potential for these roles to transition into paid positions. But for now, we are seeking volunteers who share our mission and are eager to be part of the positive impact we aim to make through Drugs Bad.

How to Apply

If you're interested in joining our team, here's how you can apply:

  1. Prepare your CV or portfolio showcasing your relevant skills and experiences.
  2. Write a cover letter explaining why you're interested in working with us at DrugsBad, and what unique abilities and insights you can bring to our team.
  3. 3. Email your application materials to contact@drugsbad.com

Please use the following email template to ensure your application is properly formatted:

Subject: Application for Collaboration with DrugsBad - [Your Name]

Why I want to work with Drugs bad:

[Your answer here - discuss your interest in our mission and how you align with our values]

What I can bring to the team:

[Your answer here - talk about your skills, experiences, and unique perspectives]

Thank you for taking the time to learn about this exciting opportunity. We're poised at the cusp of growth and positive change, and we eagerly anticipate the difference we can make together. We hope to have you join us on this journey towards creating meaningful impacts and transforming lives.